Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Final E-Wallpaper


First, I changed the canvas to A4 size to continue my assignment on E-Wallpaper.

Then, I chose blue sky for the background. I changed the Brightness/Contrast and Hue/Saturation to become more interesting.

Then, I drag the first hot air balloon to the picture. I clicked Eraser Tool (E) > changed the opacity to 100% and started to erase the not important part and leave just the hot air balloon as you can see the above image. After I finished, I changed the Brightness/Contrast to matched with the background.

For the KLCC as you can see the image above, I did the same thing as the hot air balloon. I used Eraser Tool (E) to erase the part that is not important. For me, I just only wanted the KLCC tower. Then, I changed also the Brightness/Contrast and Hue/Saturation.

As you can see the image above, I added another one of the hot air balloon. For this hot air balloon, I did the same way like I did the another hot air balloon. Also, I changed the Brightness/Contrast and Hue/Saturation.

Then, I added another hot air balloon and I did the same way to make it like the image above.


Then, I drag the moon to the picture and started to erase with Eraser Tool (E) > Opacity 100% the outer part and just wanted the moon only. After that, I clicked to the Moon layer > Blending Options > Opacity 12%.

Then, I took the KL tower image and drag it to the picture. For this, I also did the same as I did the KLCC and also changed the Brightness/Contrast and Hue/Saturation to make it related with the KLCC.

After that, I started to do the typography. As you can see above, I chose Pristina for the words. Then, I changed the color from white to yellow.

Then, I clicked the Layer > Blending Options > Drop Shadow, Outer Glow, Bevel and Emboss.

After that, I clicked Create warped text > changed the style FLAG > adjust a bit on bending the typography.

As you can see above, there's 4 colors and I used the Brush Tool (B). I just wanted to make a RAINBOW.

Then, I clicked the Layer and changed Opacity to 7% to make it more real.

Here is the result after changed the Opacity to 7%.

For this, I used Brush Tool (B) and changed the Master Diameter to 3. Then, I changed the color to black.

DONE ! This is the final after doing step by step. THANK YOU !

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand the purpose of placing a moon there :)
