Monday, October 25, 2010

First Touch

Today, I just pick randomly to test some things in Photoshop. Here some simple things that I want to show you. Firstly, click Brush Tool (B).

Secondly, go to the below Menu Bar and change the mode of the Brush Tool (B). Choose Saturation and then adjust the Master Diameter the way that you want it.

Thirdly, start to play with the Brush Tool (B). For this picture, I just want the guitarist to be the original color. Other than that, I want it to be black and white.

Done ! As you can see from the picture above, the background is black and white except the guitarist is in original color.

1 comment:

  1. Good practice. Please inform your choice of festival for assignment 1. Do show your preparation work in process in terms of layers and retouching work for the assignment.
